Optimize Your Body, Mind, and Soul for Conception
Motherhood, this mysterious new life that we can never really know what to expect until we actually get there. When I was thinking about becoming a mom, I had no idea what the other side was going to be like, I didn’t know how my body was going to do with pregnancy, I didn’t know if my relationship was going to survive the stressors of sleepless nights and caring for a new life. Even as a holistic health care provider, there were still so many unknowns. As I researched and surveyed all the mothers in my life, I found that there were a lot of things my mom friends wished they did in preparing for motherhood.

As there could be an endless list of things we can do while preparing for motherhood, I have compiled a list of 7 ways you can begin. By no means do you need to do all of these steps. Some of you reading may be in different parts of your journey, from talking about it with you partner, to actively trying, to even newly pregnant. So find where your starting point is and which ways I am about to list that resonate for you. Here are 7 ways that will make preparing for motherhood a more exciting and less scary process.
Think about the ways you were raised, about the way the women in your family experienced pregnancy and motherhood, about what you hear culturally from other moms and on social media. Start to ask yourself if this is how you want to experience motherhood and if this is how you want to raise your children. How would you do things differently? Do you want to take a more holistic health route or medical? What patterns in your family do you want to shift? Begin to create a list of your core values, beliefs, and even expectations around your pregnancy and motherhood journey. I highly recommend sharing this list with your partner or someone supporting you as you are preparing for motherhood.
Knowing what is going on inside your body is extremely important as you are preparing for motherhood. Balancing your hormones will improve your chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy. Women’s hormones are on a monthly cycle, which means women are different hormonally everyday. We are also more vulnerable to stress, toxins, and nutritional deficiencies. Toxins such as BPAs (plastics), phthalates, heavy metals, and pesticides can severely interrupt, block, and mimic hormones. Most holistic health care providers are using the gold standard of hormone testing, the Dutch test. This is known as a functional lab test because it looks at a 24 hour period at a specific time in your cycle. Seek out a holistic health care provider such as a functional medicine practitioner, Naturopathic Doctor, or Chiropractor in your area.
During pregnancy, the baby takes up to 60% of a mother’s minerals. Think about the amount of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients it takes to grow a brain! Preparing for motherhood means what I like to explain to my patients as “stocking the pantry” or filling your stores for conception. Bioavailability is most important, which just means eating the forms of nutrients that are easiest for the body to use. Organic, grass fed meats and organs, pastured chicken, wild caught salmon, goat cheeses, raw milks, leafy greens, and homemade bone broths are highly recommended. If you are concerned about how much organic foods cost, best place to start is local because many small farms do not spray even though they aren’t certified organic, the Clean 15 is a great resource for veggies and fruits safe to eat conventional, and prioritize quality protein.
As I mentioned above, women’s hormones are highly vulnerable to stress. The best way to ensure a hormone safe and effective workout routine is to plan around your cycle. As a general rule, women have the most energy for harder exercise during the 2 weeks after their period ends. The week before your period, start to taper into lighter exercise, body weight, pilates, walks, and yoga. During your period, walks, yoga, and stretching. Research has shown that women who work out with their cycle, feel better, get better results, and have mood improvements.

The uterus is attached the pelvis by soft tissue called ligaments. When the pelvis is imbalanced, there can be misalignment in the uterus and fallopian tubes. During conception and pregnancy, the body relies on all of these structures being balanced in order for the miracle of pregnancy to occur. During pregnancy, a balanced pelvis will help improve the space available for baby to grow and comfort for the mother as her body changes. Holistic health care providers such as a chiropractor will be able to assess and gently adjust the bones of the pelvis in preparation for pregnancy. ICPA Webster Certified chiropractors are trained specifically in taking care of women wanting to start a family.
Nervous system health is a key component in preparing for motherhood. You can not grow and be in survival at the same time. Meaning if your nervous system is stuck in fight, flight, or freeze, it’s top priority is your survival, not growing a brand new being. Symptoms such as headaches, brain fog, digestive issues, sleep disturbances, racing heart beat, excess sweat, reactivity and an inability to calm down after stress are just a few signs your nervous system could be taxed. Finding a holistic health care provider who has experience in nervous system healing and regulation is extremely important. Network Spinal Chiropractic is a light touch modality designed specifically to help the nervous system come out of fight or flight and into rest and digest. Breath work, somatic release, grounding, dancing, shaking, gargling, and gentle exercise can also improve nervous system health.
Now I understand some women choose to enter motherhood without a romantic partnership, which is also amazing. So only take this step if it is in alignment with your situation. Becoming parents is a huge change in lifestyle and relationship dynamics. Talking about fears, excitements, expectations, and values with your partner is very important before starting a family together. Getting on the same team will help during the challenging times to bring understanding, compassion, and strength to the relationship. Mindful Birthing is a book that has amazing practices for partners to do together in preparing for motherhood. Working with a relationship coach or therapist can be a powerful way to have someone facilitate growth, healing, and connection. This is a great way to learn new strategies for connection and conflict in your relationship.
Preparing for motherhood is an exciting journey with a lot of identity shifts, body shifts, and relationship shifts. Following these steps will get you on the right track for being more resilient and ready for motherhood! Seeking out holistic health care practitioners to be on your “team” along side you on your journey will give you the support and guidance you need.